Alaska Focused Books and Resources

This is a list of books, blogs, and facebook groups I recommend to get more information. Hopefully you’ll find them as useful as I do. I am not doing this for sponsorships. These are here because I truly find them handy.

Books – Alaska Focused

The Boreal HerbalBeverley Gray
Beverly has a wonderful, in depth book with lots of information and recipes! If you want food recipes, this is the book for you!

Scientific Names
Discovering Wild Plants by Janice Schofield goes over what the scientific names of certain plants are.

Discovering Wild PlantsJanice J. Schofield
This is the first Alaska specific book I bought. It has a lot of information as well, but I love that it goes into plants that are poisonous so you know what to look out for.

The Flora of South Central Alaska Boyd Shaffer
This was a book gifted to me by a local herbalist, Dawn. It’s mostly for identification purposes, but I still have to double check my findings with google. It’s a good way to learn the scientific names.

Books – Generalized information

Holistic HerbalDavid Hoffmann
Man, oh man. This is the first herbal book I ever got. I inherited it from my Step Great Grandmother when she passed away. This is not specific to Alaska. But it’s what started me on the whole journey of using herbs to heal.
The Herbal Medicine-Makers HandbookJames Green
I have had this book a long time, but I didn’t use it much until a couple of years ago. This has SO many ways that you can process herbs into usable remedies.
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Herbal RemediesFrankie Avalon Wolfe
This is the second herbal book I ever got. (Thanks Dad!) It’s full of practical information that you can pretty much put to use right away. This book is also not specific to Alaska.

Facebook Groups

I love being part of these groups! There is so much knowledge that is shared, I learn a lot from these people!
Alaskan Harvesters
Alaska Plant Identification
Bugs and Plants of Alaska
AK Edible and Medicinal Plants


Alaska Floats My Boat – – Jo is a wonderful blogger from Southeast Alaska. She has wonderful recipes and stories.
WebMD – – I’ll go here to look up interactions some herbs may have.
Marks Daily Apple – – not exactly centered around Alaska, but it’s the basis of my diet personally.

This is a short one this week because I had a huge event that I was hosting for the Society for Creative Anachronism. I hope that you get some of these resources to help you out in your journey.

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Can you freeze herbs for medicinal purposes?

collect during winter

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