How to store your dried herbs.

Once you have your herbs dried and processed them, you need to store them so that they will last.
At the class I hosted a couple weeks back, someone asked me about natives drinking wormwood tea to either combat or prevent cancer. That is not something that I had
These are seven tips for when collecting wild herbs or plants.
Today we are going to go over different ways herbs can be prepared to be taken orally (by the mouth).
Herbal preparations can be taken one of two ways - orally or topically. Depending on the preparation, you will get different results in how the herb works in your body.
I see a lot of headlines these days claiming that this herb or pill will solve all of your problems. Nope.
A couple of weeks ago, someone asked me to do a post on dandelion root tea and if it is supposed to fight cancer. Before I continue, I want to
Vitamin D has been in the news a lot recently. What’s all the buzz? Vitamin D is way more important than previously thought. The short of it is that D