Whew! That took longer than expected! I appreciate your patience! But…..





New website!
What does this mean for you?

  1. You can order products! I know I haven’t talked a lot about them, but they exist! I make them myself and they are all natural. All of the products you see are made with ingredients that grow in Alaska. I have harvested what I can myself and bought the remaining ingredients from trusted sources. If you have any questions, you can also email me at info@alaskaherbalsolutions.com
  2. Easier navigation. You can now more easily look at older posts and page navigation. I’ve also added tags to all of the posts so you can find what you’re looking for!
  3. Prettier design. It’s much easier on the eyes and cohesive all around.

This happens at the one year mark for Alaska Herbal Solutions! So for the month of April, if you type in oneyear into the coupon box at the checkout, you will receive 10% off your order!

I am so excited about this website update. The site may seem simple, but I feel that is better for my readers and clients. Thank you so much for your patience through the switchover! Happy reading how to feel better naturally, the Alaskan way!

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Exciting news! Alaska Herbal Solutions products now available on the Veggie Bus!

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3 Natural Teas to Help You Beat That Cold

natural tea

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