This has definitely been a difficult fall. However, practicing gratefulness and gratitude has been a huge part in getting through it. If you are having a hard time, write down five things you are grateful for. WRITE. IT. DOWN. There’s something about writing what you’re grateful for down that it gets into your subconscious more thoroughly.

Here are some things I am grateful for in no particular order:

  • My husband Jason, who supports me in everything I do.
  • My family, both blood and chosen.
  • My furbabies – Noodle, Mocha, Hunter, Milo, Sophie, and Pangur Ban
  • The blessings of the Gods.
  • My friends
  • The fact that I have four awesome jobs, two telling people’s stories and two where I get to teach.
  • Our wonderful house and property which provides so much of what we need.
  • Of course the wonderful people I have met through Alaska Herbal Solutions. I love helping you out and learning from you too.

If you’re still a little down after writing down some things you’re grateful for, let me introduce you to my furbabies! They’re all cute and we all know that cute animals can help cheer us up.

Milo – the most cuddly
Mocha – the attention seeker
Noodle – Miss Priss
Pangur Ban (Pronounce Pane-ger Bone) – The Alpha Cat
Hunter – The Thief
Sophie – Our Precious Panther, she may be the tiniest, but she’s got a big personality.

So have a wonderful Turkey Day! Don’t eat too much, or do since that is part of what this holiday is about. Enjoy it, be grateful, and remember to be grateful every day.

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